The splendour of the human being - Preciada Azancot

The Splendour of Human Being

This book invites you on a transformative journey towards deep self-knowledge and understanding others.

Explore and unlock your hidden potential, discover how to form authentic connections, and overcome the barriers of human misunderstanding.

Learn to navigate and transcend ideologies, as you step into the currents that have shaped and will continue to shape world history.

This exposition of the Metamodel of Analysis that Transforms (MAT), offers a revolutionary perspective compared to the theory of relativity in its impact on the human sciences.

An essential resource for those seeking to better understand the human order and its influence on our lives.

The splendour of the human being - Preciada Azancot

The Splendour of Human Being

This book invites you on a transformative journey towards deep self-knowledge and understanding others.

Explore and unlock your hidden potential, discover how to form authentic connections, and overcome the barriers of human misunderstanding.

Learn to navigate and transcend ideologies, as you step into the currents that have shaped and will continue to shape world history.

This exposition of the Metamodel of Analysis that Transforms (MAT), offers a revolutionary perspective compared to the theory of relativity in its impact on the human sciences.

An essential resource for those seeking to better understand the human order and its influence on our lives.